Have a look into our past here you will find what we have been up to and be able to see some of our thoughts and re posts of interest.
Hill House School - Day 2
POSTED: 15th March 2011 BY: Dan
Young People
Happy Birthday UdayDespite the drizzle the team had a great day today, 2 groups headed up onto the side of Coniston Old Man for their river study after a short morning in the classroom…Mean while the other 2 teams headed down the side of the Lake and launched their canoes. With a picnic on the Peal Island, games on the beach, exploration of nearly the whole lake and...
The Ben - Compression Crack
POSTED: 4th February 2011 BY: Dan
Technical Courses, Winter Conditions
Back up to The Ben for another day with Paul, the weather looked like this was the last chance to get out this week, with 100mph winds forecast for the afternoon on Thursday and tropical and even faster winds for the Friday.Paul was keen to try out his newly discovered leash less skills on some steep ice. Due to the immanent weather and high avalanche conditions we headed...
ExploreCWA Training
POSTED: 2nd February 2011 BY: Dan
Each year Mike and I run a CWA training course for Telford College in Edinburgh for the students on the outdoor course.
Day 1 was a Alien Rock
Day 2 was at Ratho Climbing Centre
The course was allot of fun and left 12 people really keen to get back to the wall and practice their personal skills and to find groups to try out their new found teaching skills.

Comb Gully - Ben Nevis
POSTED: 31st January 2011 BY: Dan
Technical Courses, Winter Conditions
Today Paul and headed up to the Ben to see what was in condition and climbable. The temperature were a little high so we headed to the higher routes. Weaving our way carefully around the patches of wind slab from island of safety to island of safety we managed to reach the base of Comb Gully. Paul had not climbed on true “Nevis Neve” before, what a delight.We...
ExploreAssociation of Mountaineering Instructors AGM and CPD weekend
POSTED: 30th January 2011 BY: Dan
Technical Committee
Each year at the AMI’s AGM there is a chance to update our knowledge, share experiences and have a good catch up with friends and likeminded professionals. The workshops included; Transceiver use and Companion Rescue, MIC Trainee, GPS, Avalanche & Snow Safety, MLT provider Workshop, Dry Tooling, Short Roping, BMC FUNdamentals, MWIS weather forecasting, MIC...
ExploreKendal College Winter Skills Course
POSTED: 28th January 2011 BY: Dan
Technical Courses, Winter Conditions
This week Kendal College have been on a Real Adventure in the Cairngorms learning about snow and ice and winter mountaineering. Neil Mathews and Sally Ozanne, 2 of our instructors, ran the course out of Ardenbeg Bunk House. The week was catered for by Real Adventure, Ronnie Dunn a local chef cooked in the evenings and the team ate well.The week’s weather...
ExploreBMC Technical Committee Meeting
POSTED: 17th January 2011 BY: Dan
Technical Courses
This committee meets 4 times a year on a monday evening at the BMC offices in Manchester. The widely recognized BMC belay device poster is due for a fresh look and re print. This is a request to have a look at the poster and report back if you have any ideas on anything you think needs to be added or changed. Neville McMillan has now stepped down from the UIAA Safety...
ExploreGCSE PE
POSTED: 8th January 2011 BY: Dan
Young People
As a little change from the school wall and to give us a little more time outside of the school time table we headed to Awesome Walls with the GCSE Climbing PE team. Rich and I went down with 2 teams, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Looking at the Fundamentals of climbing movement; centre of balance, weight transfer and rotation. The team responded well and...